Friday, October 21, 2011

Calling young Mylapore musicians to contribute to a theme song!

A theme song for the Sundaram Finance MYLAPORE FESTIVAL 2012 is to be produced.

We are looking for young, talented Mylaporean artistes who will give their talent freely to the song and for interludes to be used in a dance-visual production on a Mylapore theme.

We now need 2 violinists ( classical), 4 voices ( trained in classical), one mirdangam artiste, one tabla artiste . . We prefer youngsters who are training in music for 2/3 years and enjoy this collaboration.

The song will be posted on the Fest web site and used in a  dance production for the Fest.
Those selected will have to devote 2/3 hrs for 3/4 practise sessions in Nov and one/two recording sessions in the city. 
All of them will get certificates and acknowledgement on the screen.
Keen to be part of this creative team? 

Call Sridharini at 98412 33120.

Come. Design a Tee for Mylapore! Win!!

This is a contest for everybody - doodlers in school, kolam drawing experts, design/fashion students . . For creative people.
Show your creativity in designing a T-shirt for the annual MYLAPORE FESTIVAL ( to be held in Jan.2012). The design should reflect the spirit, uniqueness of Mylapore.

The design can be done using Adobe / CorelDraw design software.


Submit your design as a jpeg file or a PDF file (700 x 700 pixels size of minimum 150 dpi.) You may submit your design as a jpeg file through email to -

Please retain the original hi-res design with you. We will need it if your design wins the contest.

Please state your full name, address, email ID and contact phone number and a statement saying the design is your own creation.

Last date to submit your entry - Nov.29, 2011


TWO OTHER ENTRIES of good quality with get Certificate and a Gift.

The BEST submission for this contest may be used on a T-shirt planned for the Sundaram Finance MYLAPORE FESTIVAL 2012. Or, the best designer will be invited to create a unique design for future use.

( You can locate the winning 2011 Fest T-shirt design on the web site - to give you some inspiration!).

We are back! Fest dates are Jan 5 to 8, 2012

Yes, we are back for the 2012 edition of the Fest.

Things have been rolling for some time but I haven't made time to jot them down here.

The dates to mark in January 2012 are 5, 6, 7 and 8. The kolam contests will be on 7th and 8th.
And we are rolling our first event soon. The Fest T-shirt contest.