Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Thoranam designers in the backyard

The mada veedhis can surprise us, if only we choose to look closely.
This morning as we did the rounds of the Fest zone we came across a hawker of many seasonal things who lives at one end of Pitchu Pillai Street.

He can design thoranams - the simple and the flowery ones. In minutes he had some samples to show us; we chose some to decorate the Kolam Contest Zone on the weekend and our work was made easy.

Then he showed us his hobby work - two small raatnams and a model of the Sri Kapali ther that he had made out of waste wood and leftover paint.

This is the man who we will employ to design two giant bommais for our next Fest. Lesson learnt - look for the creative minds in your backyard.

1 comment:

Jayamcm said...

Yes, we must encourage such local artists and learn this exclusive art from them.