Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The Mylapore Show; Getting There

A Mylapore Sound and Light Show is the idea.
It has taken shape for the 2009 Fest.
And it will go on stage on all four evenings. 90 minutes.

I am in Baba Prasad's Digi Sound Studio in Adyar as we score, record, mix and do all we need to produce the tracks for this show. Artiste K S R Anirudha is in charge of the music. And we have a surprise from him too - let me not share this now. Early days.

When this bonus is ready we will have it on the Net for you. A must for all true-blue Mylaporeans.

More on the eve of the Fest. 
Don't miss this show. And send us feedback too. 
We hope to grow this show in the years to come.

Tell us - would it be great to have a sound and light show in the Rasi Quadrangle every weekend?   


Anonymous said...

Festival once a year is sweet. Every week will be boring and nuisance also.



It would be a brilliant idea to have it every week. It is not possible for everyone to see it on just the four specified days. Alternate dates would be most attractive. Moreover, visitors from outside Chennai round the year, would love to see a show like this.